WCF Tool Support

WCF Tool Support

WCF provides a number of tools that make it easier to create, deploy, and administer WCF applications.

1. COM+ Service Model Configuration Tool (ComSvcConfig.exe) - Existing COM applications can use the WCF Service moniker. The WCF Service moniker provides a representation of the service contracts and bindings for WCF Web services that is both strongly typed and COM-visible, and enables developers of COM+ applications to expose one or more interfaces on a COM+ component as Web services.

2. Configuration Editor (SvcConfigEditor.exe) - Enables administrators and developers to create and modify configuration settings for WCF services by using a graphical user interface.

3. Find Private Key Tool (FindPrivateKey.exe) - Retrieves a private key from a key store, for example, the name and location of the private key file that is associated with a particular X.509 certificate.

4. ServiceModel Metadata Utility (svcutil.exe) - Generates service model code from metadata, and metadata from service model code. Most often used to generate client-side proxies to WCF services.

5. ServiceModel Registration Tool (ServiceModelReg.exe) - Manages the registration of the WCF ServiceModel with Internet Information Services on a single computer. It can be used to register, unregister, and re-register WCF.

6. TraceViewer Tool (SvcTraceViewer.exe) - Enables developers and administrators to view, group, and filter trace messages that relate to WCF services.

7. WS-AtomicTransaction Configuration Utility (wsatConfig.exe) - Configures WS-AtomicTransaction support settings, such as ports, certificates, and accounts.

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