Understanding CSS Media Type ( print , screen ) with an example

Understanding CSS Media Type ( print , screen ) with an example

Media Type

Media Types allow you to specify how documents will be presented in different media.

Different Media Types

  1. all - Used for all media type devices

  2. aural - Used for speech and sound synthesizers

  3. braille - Used for braille tactile feedback devices

  4. embossed - Used for paged braille printers

  5. handheld - Used for small or handheld devices

  6. print - Used for printers

  7. projection - Used for projected presentations, like slides

  8. screen - Used for computer screens

  9. tty - for media using a fixed-pitch character grid, like teletypes and terminals

  10. tv - Used for television-type devices

CSS Media Type - screen , print with example

Step 1 - Create a css for screen and name it ForScreen.css

 display: none;

Step 2 - Create a css for print and name it ForPrint.css


Step 3 - Create a Trail.html with below code :

<link media="screen" href="forScreen.css" type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" />
<link media="print" href="forPrint.css" type=text/css rel="stylesheet" />
<table border=1px;>
<tr><td height=100px;>
<div class="noprint">This area will not be printed </div></td></tr>
<tr><td height=100px;>
<div class="both">The font would be black in print but red on the screen</div></td></tr>
<tr><td height=100px;>
<div class="onlyprint">This area will not be present on the screen but will be printed</div>

Step 4 : Open the Trail.html in Browser i.e. Media = screen .

As seen from above for media = screen , ForScreen.css was used.

Step 5 : Print preview of Trail.html is shown below :

As shown above, for print media ForPrint.css is used.

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